Keep all your Supplies for these, don’t waste too many Supplies on other things (but putting a few into bow upgrades is okay, just don’t put it all into pointless armor upgrades that you’ll never need).
#Ghost of tsushima upgrade#
You need a lot of supplies to fully upgrade your sword and the Sakai Clan Armor. Supplies are essentially the “money” in this game. It’s obtained from Shinto Shrine Collectible: Arrow Peak Shrine in Region 1. Equipping the Charm “Charm of Inari” is very useful, it increases the amount of Supplies you find.There are just a few things you should keep in mind for maximum efficiency: Nothing is missable and you can still do everything after the story in free-roam. You can work on side tasks as you see fit (any Liberations, Side Tales, Collectibles you come across). There are no difficulty-related trophies, so you can play on easy if you like. Your first step is to complete the story. Step 1: Complete the Story, work on Side Tasks as you wish There are no difficulty-related trophies and you can switch difficulties at any time. Most players should be able to achieve platinum in 50 hours when playing on easy difficulty. There are 3 regions in total (the 3rd region is shorter).

Each region takes another 15 hours or so to clear. The story on its own takes about 15 hours to complete. Cutscenes and dialogues in this game are unskippable. You can already work on side tasks during the story if you like. Nothing is missable, you can get everything after the story in free-roam. The rest is a couple of miscellaneous trophies. 90% of trophies will come naturally while working on those tasks. Just finish the story, liberate all regions, do all Side Tales (Quests), and find the various types of Collectibles. It’s an easy platinum that is purely completion-based. It’s doable for players of all skill levels and nothing difficult like Dark Souls games (similar to Assassin’s Creed in difficulty). Ghost of Tsushima is a Singleplayer open world Samurai fighting game. Welcome to the Ghost of Tsushima Trophy Guide! This Trophy Guide is also valid for the PS5 Version of Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut. You can still do everything after the story. Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: Yes, there is still free roam after the story.
#Ghost of tsushima Ps4#
There is no save transfer from PS5 to PS4 (only from old gen to new gen). PS4/PS5 Autopop & Save Transfer: Yes, can transfer save from PS4 version to PS5 Director’s Cut and it autopops all trophies, except the one for using Photo Mode which you can redo within a few seconds, so basically a free platinum.Does difficulty affect trophies?: No, can do everything on easy.
#Ghost of tsushima manual#